*** 本投稿は日本語と英語で書きます ***
DMM.com本社で実施した、「How to Write a Love Letter」レッスンにアエラからジャーナリストの方が来てくれて、取材の前の準備とリサーチをしてくれました。
A: 恐らくですが、コミュニティーを築き上げる事に成功しているのと、「貧富を問わず」、質の高いレッスンを提供しているから取材の対象になったのだと思います。この、「貧富を問わず教育を全社会に提供する」という発想は、イギリスの教育理念なんです。
A: まったく緊張しませんでした。僕 は150%この教育理念に自信があるので喜んでそれについての質問に応答することができました。ただ一つあった懸念は利害関係のポテンシャル。これにつき僕を取材した方と相談したら、「この人ならしっかりやってくれる」という印象を受けたため、まったく緊張することは無かったです。
A: すごく良いと思いました! 僕自身が言えるより全然上手に伝えたい事が伝わっていました!
A: 現在新しい有料コースを2つ企画しています。1つは初級者向け、もう1つは超上級者向け。
日曜日までなら今週号なので、是非お買い上げください :D
I have a happy announcement to make! I’m on this week’s edition of AERA!
You know, it’s truly gratifying that AERA took an interest in what I’m doing. They even came to research me by taking my “How to Write a Love Letter” lesson for Valentine’s Day.
Some questions you may have:
“Why was I featured?” – I think I was featured because I’m doing something community-oriented and because I’m working hard to provide top quality lessons to everyone – regardless of rich or poor. This is what I was taught in England – that education is for the good of all and should be open to all. It’s only natural that people, including AERA, are interested.
“Were you nervous?” – Not at all. Haha! I rarely get nervous. I am 150% confident in my philosophy so I was more than happy to answer all questions related to it. The only thing I had reservations for was the potential for conflicts of interest. This conflict is something I often deal with in my lessons but after chatting with the interviewer, I was very confident in her ability to relay my message in a managed way. So no, not nervous at all.
“Did you like the article?” – Yes! I thought the lady that interviewed me and wrote the piece did a brilliant job putting into words what I am trying to achieve – much better than I could!!
“What’s coming next?” – At the moment I am creating two paid courses – one for beginners and one for super-advanced people.
The beginner course will be interesting because the focus will not be on grammar at all. Instead, it’ll be a coaching-style set-up. Using my natural Japanese ability to explain cultural aspects, learners will improve very quickly and be able to communicate in English within one month.
The super-advanced course will be for serious businesspeople who want to enhance their communication ability in a more general sense. The focus will be on real business issues centered on strategy and leadership. It’ll be much harder than an ordinary MBA course.